Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Few of Mama's Favorite Buys

For a couple of weeks I’ve been on the lookout for an extremely effective yet compact vegetable chopper.  I constantly obsess over new product purchases because in my mind I still want to believe that this new bottle of cream is going to make me instantly beautiful or that this gadget is going to make me the most efficient mom on the planet, but I also enjoy the behind the scenes research  prior to the big buy.   I know, I know, it’s just a vegetable chopper but the fantasy behind how this product is going to transform my life and make me a faster cook is life altering.  Do I need to point out how being a faster cook makes me a better mom?  Not only am I providing my son home cooked, organic, top chef meals, but I have more time to actually hold him instead of feeling annoyed by his pulling at my clothes while I struggle to chop onions.   After my extensive research I settle on William Sonoma’s “pull string” chopper.  At first it seems ridiculous that a gadget with a toy- like pull string is going to actually work, but the customer reviews plus the decent price say I should give it a go.  Well good God, the thing is amazing!  I made some pico de gallo last night in 30 seconds.  Alas, my chopping life is no more.  So today I’m providing a quick list of additional products for moms (or whoever) which I use because they better my life, so should do the same for you.  So chop to it and get to checking out these other products.
Moby Baby Wrap Carrier – I own 4 baby carriers but I always go back to this one.  It is so comfortable to use and your baby will love being held in it.  The Moby is simply a long piece of soft stretchy fabric that you tie according to the instructions provided and obviously, easy does it.  This carrier keeps baby in the closest  position to your body and you don’t feel like he’s going to fall out like a lot of other carriers feel.  Because you criss-cross the fabric across your back, your baby’s weight is evenly distributed so you won’t get the discomfort you get with the sling carriers.  When my son was a newborn he wanted to be held constantly so this was a life saver because I could hold him and get some things done around the house.  The extra pluses are:  You can hold baby in several different positions, you can cradle twin babies, carrier can be used up to at least 35lbs, holds newborn upright eliminating fear of suffocation,  allows you the option to nurse discreetly and again it’s very soft and comes in UV protective material.  The only downside is that it’s not the quickest thing to put on because you have to tie it around your body, but you can remove baby without taking the carrier completely off – but you will still need to readjust it (the instructions don’t tell you this).
Josie Maran Argan Oil Mascara – Yes, I know this doesn’t seem to go with this "mom" list, but really it does.  Just because you’re a mom, doesn’t mean you should look like shi*.  Every gal knows that if you are going to put on only one make-up item it should be mascara- unless you have crusty dry lips obviously opt for the chap stick.  Anyway, I digress, this mascara is wonderful.  I just recently purchased it and have never loved a mascara more.  It lengthens and plumps like no other, it separates incredibly, it’s so amazingly soft for a lengthening and plumping mascara and it actually has a decent scent.  I instantly feel pretty after an application and my son seems to love getting butterfly kisses from me more now!  Of course you can choose to get long term falsies which might be an easier option but at least this mascara saves you from the heavy, dried glue feeling that falsies give.
Mustela Cleansing and Soothing Wipes – The most ridiculously priced baby wipes on the market, but what can I say?  Mama loves them.  The price annoys me, but you can purchase them on diapers.com for a bit cheaper- I must sidetrack and say that diapers.com is a lifesaver for diaper purchases as I HATE lugging that big box of diapers out of the store so who wouldn’t love coming home to diapers at your door step with free shipping to boot?  Okay, back to the Mustela Wipes.  These wipes have such a dreamy baby scent that you almost don’t mind changing poopie diapers, and I’m not exaggerating.  Other wipes I’ve tried still leave a bit of stink on the bum, but all of that magically disappears with these wipes.  A true plus in terms of the cost is that I rarely need to use more than one wipe per change on even the biggest poop.  The label says “Plant-based cleansing milk” and doesn’t that just give a ring of divinity to these expensive butt wipes?  Either way, they are a must on my list – maybe that’s where the name comes from.


  1. I love the medela wipes.... and diapers.com but diapers.com makes it way too easy to spend too much money! ;)

  2. Love the Moby Wrap and the whole idea of baby wearing! I "wore" Audrey in her MW yesterday! Pico in 30 seconds? That's amazing! That chopper may be worth a look! ;)
